Perfect Little Omega: Part One: An Omegaverse Romance Duology by Unknown

Perfect Little Omega: Part One: An Omegaverse Romance Duology by Unknown

Language: eng
Format: epub



I spent the entire day following all the information I could dig up about Ricci’s Mexico connections. His operation is locked down tight. His tech specialist rivals me. I won’t be able to backdoor my way into his system and if I want to look any deeper into what he’s doing, I’ll have to bust through his firewall in such a way that they’ll know someone is looking.

Seeing how his system is currently set up, there is no way that the missing shipments are random or the result of luck. He has a rat on the inside. A rat that’s high enough up in his organization to know tightly guarded details.

I’ve started a list of likely suspects and I’m going to go over it with everyone tonight once Sloane gets here. I hope she’s right about Remi being cool with bending the rules because I don’t want him around while we have this discussion. Not just because he’s on the list, but because I don’t want him passing any of the information back to Ricci.

I stand up from my workstation, stretching my arms up above my head until my back cracks a few times. I bend over and stretch again, placing my hands flat to the floor, before walking my legs back into Downward Dog. I don’t have time to go through my usual asanas, but drop myself down into a plank for 30 seconds and finally into Cobra for another 30. Needing to work out some of the kinks from sitting for the last several hours.

I wander through the kitchen on my way back to my suites, checking to see what Kaiser and Hudson have decided to prepare for dinner. I’ve been smelling all kinds of delicious cooking scents for the past hour and my stomach rumbles appreciatively the closer I get to the source.

As I come around the corner into the kitchen, I see a roll sail across the room before hitting Hudson in the back of the head.

“Just get outside and start the grill before I throw something sharper at you,” Kaiser yelled before turning back and stirring the sauce in front of him

“You know I hate grilling!”

“You don’t hate grilling, you whiny bitch, you hate being outside and away from everyone else.”


“Uh, so, you really think that, given the fun time you got to have with her yesterday, you should be allowed to hang out here, with her, while me or Simon are forced to grill?”

“Brooks can grill,” Hudson pouted.

“Yeah, okay, if you can convince him of that, I’m all for it. Good luck. Truly. I don’t really care which of you it is, only that it’s one of you.”

“I don’t mind grilling,” I pipe in, “and you guys should really be the ones spending the majority of time with her anyways. Makes sense.”

“Not happening,” Kaiser replies, not even bothering to turn my way, “I’m sick of you pretending like you’re not just as invested as the rest of us. We are all bonding, not just us and her.


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